Receive the support you need for your teen including...
Support for YOURSELF to guide changes for your teen.
HABITS and how these affect your health and that of your teenager. Small, sustainable step by step changes, leading to a healthy balance.
GUT HEALTH and how the GUT MICROBIOME can impact all aspects of health for your teenager.
Learning the fundamentals to support your teens GUT through good nutrition. Support to add in healthy options to nourish the gut.
Looking at other aspects of wellness that affect your teenagers gut health and overall well-being.
Guidance with SHOPPING, PREPARING and COOKING for health and nourishment for your teen.
Options to do a PANTRY/FRIDGE overhaul or COOKING SESSION.
Support with hormone related issues for your teen.
Upon completion of the sessions, you will have gained life-changing knowledge about your teens health, and you will walk away with a personalised ‘NOURISH ME TEEN’ plan to support and sustain their health and wellness journey.
How it works...
Book a call
In a FREE 20 minute on-line or phone session to figure out what's really important for your teenager right now in regards to their health and well-being.
Book a one-off session or purchase a package
I will tailor the perfect package to suit your teenagers needs and support them in sustaining their health and well-being goals.
In-person or on-line sessions available
Reach your goals
Receive support with your new plan as your teen works towards increasing their overall health and well-being.